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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bridge to Terabitia Book Cover

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bridge to Terabitia Questions and Answers

Q: Why was Jesse wearing neither a shirt nor shoes?
A: Jesse was not wearing a shirt or shoes because the weather was as hot as popping grease even though it was in the morning.

Q: Why has he gotten up early every morning in the summer?
A: He has gotten up early every morning in the summer so that he could run when his mother was still asleep.

Q: Who is Miss Bessie?
A: Miss Bessie is the Aarons' family cow.

Q: What news does May Belle share with Jesse in the bean patch?
A: May Belle shares the news with Jesse in the bean patch about a new family moving in the Perkins' place.

Q: Why does Jesse like May Belle?
A: Jesse likes May Belle because May Belle always gets the things that Jesse asks for.

Q: What does Jesse keep under the mattress?
A: Jesse keeps his drawing equipment under the mattress.

Q: What was Jesse’s first reaction when he met Leslie Burke?
A: Jesse's first reaction when he first met Leslie Burke was shocked and he kept staring at her.

Q: How is Leslie different to the other students?
A: Leslie is different to the other students because she dresses differently.

Q: What did the boys organize outside once they had been dismissed after eating their lunch?
A: The boys organized a running race for boys only outside, once they had been dismissed after eating their lunch.

Q: Why does Jesse sit beside May Belle on the bus?
A: Jesse sits beside May Belle so that Leslie will not sit next to him on the bus.

Q: Why was not running fun anymore?
A: Running wasn't fun anymore because Leslie always won and they got bored of her always winning.

Q: Why was Leslie unable to do the project on Jacques Cousteau?
A: Leslie was unable to do the project on Jacques Cousteau because she didn't have a television set.

Q: Have you ever had a secret place where you went with your friends? Describe it?
A: No I don't have one, but if I could have one I would like it to be inside a huge tree hole where I could put some comfortable chairs and a table, so that my friends and I can play board games or read a good book together there.

Q: Who was the ‘real’ giant in their lives?
A: The 'real' giant in their lives was Janice Avery.

Q: What plan of action do they decide on to pay back Janice Avery?
A: The plan of action that they decide on to pay back Janice Avery is to write a fake love note to her from Willard Hughes.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Report on Scissors

Scissors are one of the compound machines. Even though the scissors doesn't even look like a machine, but it is. It is actually made out of 2 knives or blades combined into one to form a double. It has a lever and a wedge. A lever is an equipment that is used to loosen things up or to pick heavy things up. A wedge is a tool that can separate one thing into two.

Who invented the scissors? This may be a big surprise, but Leonardo Da Vinci was the one who invented the scissors. Everyone knew that he was a very famous artist, but believe it or not he also sketched the airplane. Leonardo Da Vinci was a very smart man. It even took him ten years just to paint Mona Lisa's lips!

Scissors are used to cut a certain material. It is very helpful in different ways. It can make paper curly and make things smaller. In my opinion, scissors are a great invention.

So, next time you use scissors, think of how creative Leonardo Da Vinci was.


Wikipedia, 2007,
Accessed on 14/11/07

World book Encyclopedia, 1999-2007,
World book .Inc

Loadstar's Lair, 2006,
Accessed on 145\/11/07

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Report on Piano

A piano is a simple machine. It is a lever. Every time you push a key of a piano, the lever will push that key down. Pianos are one of the musical instruments.

This is how the piano works. When a piano key is pressed, the back part of the key raised up and pushed the hammer attached to it. The hammer then strikes the strings and produces the sound of a note, and then quickly falls away from the strings so that it won’t stop the vibration of the strings. If the hammer doesn’t fall away, we would only hear a “clunk” sound, not a nice note.

Did you know that the piano has about 80 keys? Try it, I counted it myself. To me, making a piano is very, very hard. Back then, girls were attracted to play the piano. They thought that it was proper. Nowadays, there are many brands of pianos.

Who invented the piano? Bartolomeo Cristofori was the one! He made it for Ferdinando de Medici, who was the Prince of Florence.

Wikipedia, 2007, _piano.
Accessed on 24/11/07
How a piano works, 1997-2007, Accessed on 24/11/07.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My UOI Reflection

Theme: How we express ourselves
Unit: I believe, you believe
Central Idea: The beliefs and cultures are conveyed through rituals, celebrations the arts and the way people live their lives.

Our Beliefs
Beatrix Potter
Haiku‘God's Love’
Religion Project
Field Trips

In Grade Five, we all have different beliefs. Some of us there were Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, and Buddhist. We all respected each other's religion. We also did some research on each other's religion. My group did Islam.

In this unit, we learned about different beliefs. We watched a movie about Beatrix Potter or "Miss Potter". We wrote down some facts about her beliefs. Her belief was that she believed that her drawings were real. After we took notes, we wrote a report about her. You can try to find my report on this blog. We were all amazed on how good she was in drawing.

In class we were learning how to make haikus. Our haiku's were about God's Love. We did other haikus besides that too. We all posted it on our blogs. You can find my haiku on my blog. Our teacher, Mrs. Jane put my haiku on the school website, as well as Andrew's.

For our religion project, we did a lot of research. We searched about the religion that we were learning about. When our research was done, we all had to make the history of the religion. That was very hard.

Next we did our expo. Our expo means our exhibition. It was tiring! We spent a lot of time on it. We had to do more research and print a lot of things out. This was the hardest part of all! We were all so worried if we didn't finish this expo. But when it happened, we were all relieved.

On our field trip, we went to the Masjid Istiqlal and the Cathedral in Jakarta. First we went to the Masjid Istiqlal. There we had a tour guide named "Ibu Ida". She was very nice. She explained to us about the Masjid and we all took notes in our UOI Books. Then we had lunch. We didn't have much time for that. Then we went to the Cathedral. it was right across the street from the Masjid. When we arrived at the Cathedral, we had to be very quiet because there were some people praying. A guide guided us through the Cathedral and explained about everything. Then we went upstairs and met another lady. She showed us the upper part of the Cathedral. That was the museum in the Cathedral. After we were done, we thanked the guiders and went back to school.

Monday, November 12, 2007

How to make a Go Kart

Have you ever wonder how to make a Go Kart? Well, I

can teach you how to make a wooden Go Kart. This Go Kart may look similar to a wagon.

First step is to make a plan. You should design this plan or find it on the Internet.After your plan is done, you need to gather all of the equipment needed. The equipment needed may be like wheels and so on. Here in Indonesia, you may find it quite hard to find these equipment. If you are in a different country, you can find these equipment in the junkyard.

Then you start nailing in the wood together. For this part you may need an adult to help you. This will take a lot of time. Make sure that you cut the shape correctly. Please be very careful otherwise you might split the wood into pieces.

Next you need to put in all of the wheels in. In order to do this, you should put it in with the same tools use to put in the tires to put into a car. This go kart might be quite small, but who knows? This go kart does not have breaks. Good luck!!!

Stephen Burke (2007),, Accessed on 14th of November, 2007 (2004-2007),, Accessed on 14th of November, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My UOI Exhibition

In UOI we are doing an exhibition. My groups exhibition is about Islam and the celebration is Idul Fitri. We plan to put Ketupats, the Idul Fitri celebration symbol, and the religion symbol. Of course the celebration is always connected to the religion and that is why we try to find information about both of them. We have all been working quit hard and there is a good chance for us to finish this exhibition.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

When At Night I Go To Sleep, Hansel and Gretel, Humperdinck

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 14

Dear Diary,
Today I played badminton with Mandy and Nadia at the badminton court in Villa Duta. First Nadia, my dad, and I played against Mandy and Nicole. After a long time we switched so it was Nadia, Nicole, and my dad against Mandy and I. While we were playing, two of Mandy's cousins learned how to play badminton. We all had so much fun!

After that, my family went to "Cinta Baca", a library. My mom had a meeting and that was why we had to go there. My sister borrowed two books while I only borrowed one book. She borrowed two American Girl books and I borrowed an Enid Blyton book called "Pretty-Star the Pony".


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day 13

Dear Diary,

Today I went to Mandy's house. I met her cousins. We played and ate ice cream and kept playing again. Mandy and I looked at a lot of fairy names ( Even the Boys)!

After we played with Mandy's Cousins and Nicole. We did some art and we all played with the fake food. The time went by fast and Nicole and I went home.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Day 12

Dear Diary,

Today my mother and I went window shopping at Botani Square. When we went to Giant, my mom let me buy one ice cream! It was the same ice cream that I ate when I was a preschooler! It was good to taste something I ate when I was young. Here is why I remember so fondly about it.

When I was at preschool, while waiting for my older sister to get out of school, my mom often took me to a shop near our school and I would eat ice cream every day. I always ate the same one every time I went there. One day they didn't have that ice cream anymore. I got upset, but not too long because I found another ice cream that tasted just like that, but on a popsicle stick.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day 11

Dear Diary,

Today my sister and I continued our school game. I thought it never ended! Even though there was no teacher, we just thought what we would do in that class. And then we kept playing through the whole day! It was so fun! It was a really good day!


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 10

Dear Diary,
Today I had a natural day. I played with my sister, I practice my math, piano, and vocal. It was sort of boring. So I decided to play on the computer. I was playing the game called "The Scary Stone Dragon".That is what made the day fun! Horay!!!!!!! I played while eating my dinner.

When I was done Nicole started to play that computer game on my computer! We bothe like that computer game very much! She played it a long time ago so she had forgotten how to play. I helped her out a little bit and then she remembered how to play.


Friday, October 12, 2007

Day 9

Dear Diary,

This morning I got up quite late - it felt great to be able to stay in bed longer.

I had a great, yummy breakfast. My mom made scrambled eggs and beef sausages, just like what I had in the hotel!

Then I did some math excercises. After that I played with my sister, and then ate lunch, and then we continued our game. Later on, we ate dinner and kept playing and watched television. We were so excausted!!! But, what a great day!


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day 8

Dear Diary,

This is my last day here! So, I ate eggs and sausages for breakfast.... Yum!!

Then I went swimming for the last time. I had a lot of fun!! After that I went back to my room and finished writing a song.

It was so peaceful here, and since no one else was around except my family, we felt like we were a very rich family who owned a private resort, complete with professional butlers. Too bad we had to leave...

Just before we checked out, there was another family coming. Soon this place would be packed with people!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day 7

Dear Diary,

Today I learned to balance my body and went across a coconut pole on top of swimming pool. It took me a while before I could go across without falling off the pole, because it shook so badly.

My sister helped me by hanging onto the pole so that it wouldn't shake sooo much. Then after a while I could actually went across by myself without my sister's help. It was so much fun.

After lunch, when it was too hot to be outside, we stayed inside our cottage and two ladies braided my hair while we watched the movie "Amazing Grace". It was kind of hurt when she pulled my hair so tightly, but the result was fabulous!

Before dinner we saw the most awesome sunset on the beach. The sky was so colorful: bright orange, yellow, and dark brown.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Day 6

Dear Diary,

This morning I was so excited! Finally we had a family vacation to Anyer beach. We stayed in the hotel called "The Banten".

When we arrived, it was already almost 3 o'clock. It just stopped raining, but it still felt warm outside.

The place was beautiful and.... empty. It was the perfect time to go here because this week people were still fasting and many still had to work in the office.

We went to the beach right away, then swimming, and then back to the beach again. The water in the swimming pook was really warm - I just loved it!! When we got back, my sister and I watched a movie until 8:45. Then we went to bed right away.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Day 5

Dear Diary,
Today I stayed up until 11:30 just to wait for my dad to come home from Medan and Malaysia. I watched television and slept in the commercial breaks while I waited for my dad. When my dad came home, everyone was so happy to see my dad again! I was happy too!


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Day 4

Dear Diary,

Today, at Ranch Market, I met Kezia, my sister's friend. While our mothers went shopping, we all ate......Pizza. It was delicious! I felt so happy to see Kezia again. Kezia goes to a new school now. She has many new friends.


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Day 3

Dear Diary,

Today I danced to the songs "Macalana" and "Mambo No.5". I felt exhausted afterward! I also watched " The Cheetah Girls 2" ever since 5:45 in the morning. I didn't feel sleepy at all though. Today was a really great day...INDEED!!!!

~ Amanda

Friday, October 5, 2007

Day 2

Dear Diary,
It is the day that my father is going to Malaysia and Medan. He travels a lot. This morning is great! I just hope that it won't rain today!............And it didn't!!!!


Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Holiday Diary Writing

Dear Diary,

Today was the last day of Quarter 1! I feel relieved!! I don't why but sometimes I get stressed in school. Maybe it's because I don't really like some of the teachers, but I am happy that they get the chance to teach us. I really like holidays because there are only a little bit of homework. It's sort of like a little break for me. It is when the holiday begins!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Beatrix Potter

Do you know Beatrix Potter? Do you know her well? Well, I can tell you about her. She is the one who made the story "Peter Rabbit" . She had many great attitudes.

Beatrix was an independent woman. She was brave enough to prove to her mom that she was a good author even though her mother didn't approve. She was also very brave to live in a different house from her parents. She tried her best to work as a team with Mr. Warne.

Beatrix Potter was very creative. She made her animals have clothes. She thought that her characters were real and that was why her drawings looked so great. In all of her books, there were many pictures.

She was a great author and illustrator. Now her books are still out in the bookstores, and she is still very popular. All her stories were children's books. She was a great person.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Fairy Name

Gossamer Cornshimmer
She is a creator of bounty and harvest.
She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos.
She is only seen when the first flowers begin blossom.
She wears tiny black spiders on her dresses. She has butterfly wings the colour of yellow corn.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bible Verse of the Month

Background from

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My History Report On....


Have you ever wondered what the history of a religion is all about? Do you believe that the history is real? Well, here is the history of the Islamic religion.

Islam, which means “submission”, was founded by Muhammad around 610 AD. Muhammad was born around 570 AD in the city of Mecca. Their holy book is called Al-Quran which they believe to be God’s word, revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. They also follow the Hadith, which are Muhammad’s sayings and actions.

The Islamic followers are called Muslims. Muslim in Arabic means a person who submits to the will of God. They believe that there is only one God, which is called “Allah”. They hope to go to heaven by doing good things and by following Allah’s commandments.

There are five main duties of the Muslims, which they call the five pillars of Islam:
1. Confession: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.”
2. Salat. Muslims have to pray five times a day, facing toward Mecca.
3. Zakat. This means giving money to the poor, widow, or orphans.
4. Fasting. They cannot eat or drink starting from the sun rise until the sun set, during Ramadan, the holy month.
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca, or Haj. This is a trip that has to be taken at least once in a lifetime.
There is a sixth duty is called Jihad or Holy War, where they have to go to war to defend or spread Islam. If they get killed during Jihad, they can go straight to Paradise.

Muslims believe pork or alcohol drink are unclean and because of that they cannot eat pork or drink anything which contains alcohol.

The symbol of Islam is crescent moon and star. According to the Islamic popular tradition, whenever the Prophet Muhammad saw a new moon he would say, “O crescent moon of good and guidance, my faith is in Him who created you!”

There are three major sects of Islam which are the Wahhabis (the most strict followers), the Shiites (who believe only Muhammad’s descendants can be the spiritual leaders), and the Sunnis (who follow Muhammad’s tradition). Ninety percent of Muslims are Sunnis.

After Muhammad died in 632 AD, Islam expanded all the way to India, North Africa, Spain, and finally Babylon in 1038. After that Islam was spread to the rest of the world through trading and migration.


Davis, Grady L., M.Div., Ph.D., Five Pillars of Islam, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Razwy, Sayed Ali Asgher, A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Sawyer, Rickard L., The Rise of Islam, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Wenner, Sarah, 2001, History of Islam, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, Islam Introduction Part I, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Picture, Accessed on Sept. 21, 2007.

Picture, Accessed on Sept. 21, 2007.

Picture of crescent moon and star, Accessed on Sept. 19, 2007.

The University of Rochester, Crescent, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Truthnet, What is Islam, Accessed on Sept. 20, 2007.

Introductory Paragraph about Beatrix Potter

Do you believe in your drawings are alive? Can you use your imagination? Well, Beatrix Potter could. She thought that all of her illustrations were real. Her imagination was wild. Everyone thought that she didn't have the right to write stories. But she was successful in publishing her book. One of her story characters was "Peter Rabbit." She would talk to her drawings a lot.

Whenever she felt lonely, she would talk to her characters. She loved her stories very much that she even wanted them printed in colour. Beatrix made her characters look alive! She was very satisfied with her work.

Monday, September 17, 2007

My God's Love Haiku

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Belief

When I was young, I used to believe that puppets would eat people. It all started when I was dreaming that there was a puppet show, and it was very funny. When it got to the end, the puppets bowed and then, they started eating the audience. After that dream, I was afraid of puppets. And then...........
When I was at the circus, there were so many clowns. Whenever I saw a clown I would run straight to my mom. The clowns reminded me of my puppet show dream. Then my dad said to go with my sister to the clown, and I did.
The clown was very nice to us and gave each of us stickers and a balloon. We had so much fun talking with that clown. I felt so much better after that, knowing that clowns were not so scary and that they were just normal people who liked to entertain children. That's why I am not afraid of puppets or clowns anymore.

What is God?

I think God is three things. His is the Holy Spirit, man, and our Father. He is my Lord,and my Savior. God is always by my side. He is also known as the Prince of Peace, and the Lord of Lords. To me, God is the greatest and most loving person. God communicates through prayers, by answering my prayers, and for me by reading the Bible. I feel closer and safer with God. I think He is our Father because He protects us and He loves us just like a Father would do.

My UOI Reflection

This Unit of Inquiry ( UOI ) was about " Body Works". The central idea was " The human body is designed for movement in work and play and can be affected by a variety of things". I think in this UOI, I was an inquirer because I asked a lot of questions. I also was principled because I cannot play around other wise I could get hurt. One of my favorite activities was looking at my BMI ( Body Mass Index ) activity, I think I was showing the learner profile of reflective and well-balanced. I think I showed the reflective profile because I had to reflect on why my BMI was like that. I think I showed well-balanced because it was a new and interesting thing and in the well-balanced profile it says that I like to learn a lot of different things. My second favorite activity was drawing myself. In that activity I showed I was a thinker and knowledgeable. I was a thinker because I had to think about how to make the picture look like me. I also showed I was a knowledgeable by knowing the right shapes for the body. Another of my favorites was dissecting the chicken wing. In that activity, I think I showed the characters of risk-taker and caring. I showed I was a risk-taker by taking a risk by cutting up the chicken wing which was a little bit gross. I showed caring because I had to help my partner
dissect the chicked wing. This UOI was fun and challenging. It was great.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How can we help Su Ah?

On Saturday, September 8, I went to Su Ah's house. I went there with my family and my friend, Zerlinda. We brought her some stuff for her to play with. I felt really sad for her. She had an accident while she was riding a bicycle. As a result, her leg was broken and she had to have an operation.

She hasn't been able to go to school because she can't walk at all. Hopefully she will be able to return to school in 2 more months. In the mean time she tries to catch up with her school work at home.

I wonder if she could come to school in the wheel chair. The problem is that our class room is on the 3rd floor and our school doesn't have an elevator. But, I am sure many people will help carry her up to our classroom. What do you think? Do you have any suggestion to help Su Ah? Please leave your comment.
Thank you and God bless you!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Cheese Haiku

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Bone Haiku

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Digestive System

I am a piece of a sandwich. I am filled with double bacon, cheese, lettuce, and tomato from Subway. When I enter the mouth, my journey into the human’s body begins. This is what people called Human Digestive System. The Digestive process goes as follows:

1. Into the Mouth. First I get bit inch by inch - ouch!!! It hurts. Just after I catch my breath, I can see the salivary glands on the right side of me. Oooh, I need to make sure I can get enough drops of saliva on me. During the chewing process, I was shredded into smaller pieces. But, the salivary enzymes produced by salivary glands help to soften me and
break down the starch in me.

2. Into the stomach. After being chewed, the tongue pushed me to the back of the throat, where then I was swallowed into the Esophagus. Esophagus is a muscular tube connected from the throat to the stomach. This muscle is so strong that even when the person who eats me is in an upside down position, I still would be forced to enter into the stomach. The stomach is kind of dark, but this is where I collect acid and pepsin. The acid is useful because it breaks me down. And the pepsin is helpful to break down the protein in me into amino acids.

3. Into the small but twisty intestine. From this then the stomach pumps me little by little into the small intestine. This intestine may be called small, but actually it is so twisty and twice as long as the large intestine! It is named small because the diameter is a lot smaller than the large intestine. It is very bumpy and crowded there – if you think you can’t breath and feel so crunched when you’re inside an elevator full of adults, you should come inside here! Here I meet bile and enzymes that separate the good chemicals from the waste materials in me. After that, the millions of fingers inside this small intestine called villi will absorb all of the good chemicals which are needed by the human body. At this point, I have to say goodbye to those good chemicals for good.

4. Into the large intestine. The rest of me, which is just the waste materials, is then moved into the large intestine. Now I have a new name, called feces, which contains of water, undigested food, and bacteria. There I collect the stuff that is similar with what you find in Yakult drink. I need them for clearing out all of the bad bacteria in me. The body then absorbs most of the water part in me that I become more solid. From here on, I just cruise along the colon in the large intestine. It is actually still a long way to go. Sometimes I have to travel 24 hours before I reach to the next process.

5. Into the rectum and out through the anus. After all that fun ride, at last I can enter into the rectum and then.... plop! Out I go through the anus. What a journey!

Information from:

1. Encyclopedia Britannica (2006), Encyclopedia Britannica.Inc, Accessed on Aug. 28, 2007.

2. Picture: The Human Large Intestine, 2007,;IMAGE;GIF;0000091395&urn=urn:sirs:US;ARTICLE;ART;0000221832. Accessed on Aug. 29, 2007.

3. The World Encyclopedia, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, World Book. Inc, page 175.

4. A Journey Through the Digestive System- submitted by Vorge, Accessed on Aug. 30, 2007.

5. Human Digestive System, Accessed on Sept. 2, 2007.

6. Digestive System, Accessed on Sept. 2, 2007.

7. Traveling Food, Accessed on Sept. 2, 2007.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

These are the qualities we are learning at school

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Long Weekend Holiday

On the 17th of August, it was my sister, Nicole's birthday. We went to Jakarta to play with some friends of ours. The next day, we went to my Grandma's house in Jakarta. I played with my cousin. The day later we went to church and had my vocal lesson. I had a great time

- Amanda

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Amanda's Blog

This is a really good blog site.
I hope I can have a good and fun blog here.