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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Amanda's Blog

This is a really good blog site.
I hope I can have a good and fun blog here.


Jane Ross said...

Well done on making your blog. Why don't you try using lighter text that is easier to read?

Michelle Pranoto said...

cool templates

Christina Alizka said...

Nice background! I loveee it. But I just use mine. I don't want to copy!

Mandy's Blog! said...

Hi Amanda. It's me, Mandy!
I like your avatar. I think that your avatar is really nice. I like your back ground. I also think that you must be raelly happy on the weekend you typed about. Well see you.

RaptorF22 said...

hey amanda your blog is nice.template is good. oh ya thx for commenting my blog i appreciate that thank you

KimK said...

Wow, Amanda! I'm impressed. Your blog is well done and user friendly. You are learning practical things at school that help us to stay connected all around the globe. Great job!