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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day 7

Dear Diary,

Today I learned to balance my body and went across a coconut pole on top of swimming pool. It took me a while before I could go across without falling off the pole, because it shook so badly.

My sister helped me by hanging onto the pole so that it wouldn't shake sooo much. Then after a while I could actually went across by myself without my sister's help. It was so much fun.

After lunch, when it was too hot to be outside, we stayed inside our cottage and two ladies braided my hair while we watched the movie "Amazing Grace". It was kind of hurt when she pulled my hair so tightly, but the result was fabulous!

Before dinner we saw the most awesome sunset on the beach. The sky was so colorful: bright orange, yellow, and dark brown.



Anonymous said...

I bet the hair hurt..I wouldn't like it. The coconut pool looks
like alot of fun.
What a beautiful sunset on the Indian Ocean. Wish I was there
with you.