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Monday, August 20, 2007

The Long Weekend Holiday

On the 17th of August, it was my sister, Nicole's birthday. We went to Jakarta to play with some friends of ours. The next day, we went to my Grandma's house in Jakarta. I played with my cousin. The day later we went to church and had my vocal lesson. I had a great time

- Amanda


Christina Alizka said...

Hi Amanda! Did you really have a longgg good weekeng? I don't think so.. Haha...Please also write a comment to the new blog of mine. Haha

Jane Ross said...

Hi Amanda. Well done! I will help you to change the language settings of this blog.

Christina Alizka said...

Ooh,,thanks Amanda! Yeah, it was cold, and it's snowing there! My face is all red! Haha!

devilbats said...

I like your avatar.

SHILA'S BLOG said...

amanda great avatar!

Jane Ross said...

Your mark for this task is 7/10

ironhead said...

Hi Amanda.Your holiday was intresting. You stayed closer with your family and you had a warm holiday. Anyways, your blog is great.

Your friend, Raymond.

Christina Alizka said...

Amanda, I got 8/10! Haha! I beat you again! Keep up the good work, ME! Haha, just kidding.