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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Report on Scissors

Scissors are one of the compound machines. Even though the scissors doesn't even look like a machine, but it is. It is actually made out of 2 knives or blades combined into one to form a double. It has a lever and a wedge. A lever is an equipment that is used to loosen things up or to pick heavy things up. A wedge is a tool that can separate one thing into two.

Who invented the scissors? This may be a big surprise, but Leonardo Da Vinci was the one who invented the scissors. Everyone knew that he was a very famous artist, but believe it or not he also sketched the airplane. Leonardo Da Vinci was a very smart man. It even took him ten years just to paint Mona Lisa's lips!

Scissors are used to cut a certain material. It is very helpful in different ways. It can make paper curly and make things smaller. In my opinion, scissors are a great invention.

So, next time you use scissors, think of how creative Leonardo Da Vinci was.


Wikipedia, 2007,
Accessed on 14/11/07

World book Encyclopedia, 1999-2007,
World book .Inc

Loadstar's Lair, 2006,
Accessed on 145\/11/07