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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bridge to Terabitia Questions and Answers

Q: Why was Jesse wearing neither a shirt nor shoes?
A: Jesse was not wearing a shirt or shoes because the weather was as hot as popping grease even though it was in the morning.

Q: Why has he gotten up early every morning in the summer?
A: He has gotten up early every morning in the summer so that he could run when his mother was still asleep.

Q: Who is Miss Bessie?
A: Miss Bessie is the Aarons' family cow.

Q: What news does May Belle share with Jesse in the bean patch?
A: May Belle shares the news with Jesse in the bean patch about a new family moving in the Perkins' place.

Q: Why does Jesse like May Belle?
A: Jesse likes May Belle because May Belle always gets the things that Jesse asks for.

Q: What does Jesse keep under the mattress?
A: Jesse keeps his drawing equipment under the mattress.

Q: What was Jesse’s first reaction when he met Leslie Burke?
A: Jesse's first reaction when he first met Leslie Burke was shocked and he kept staring at her.

Q: How is Leslie different to the other students?
A: Leslie is different to the other students because she dresses differently.

Q: What did the boys organize outside once they had been dismissed after eating their lunch?
A: The boys organized a running race for boys only outside, once they had been dismissed after eating their lunch.

Q: Why does Jesse sit beside May Belle on the bus?
A: Jesse sits beside May Belle so that Leslie will not sit next to him on the bus.

Q: Why was not running fun anymore?
A: Running wasn't fun anymore because Leslie always won and they got bored of her always winning.

Q: Why was Leslie unable to do the project on Jacques Cousteau?
A: Leslie was unable to do the project on Jacques Cousteau because she didn't have a television set.

Q: Have you ever had a secret place where you went with your friends? Describe it?
A: No I don't have one, but if I could have one I would like it to be inside a huge tree hole where I could put some comfortable chairs and a table, so that my friends and I can play board games or read a good book together there.

Q: Who was the ‘real’ giant in their lives?
A: The 'real' giant in their lives was Janice Avery.

Q: What plan of action do they decide on to pay back Janice Avery?
A: The plan of action that they decide on to pay back Janice Avery is to write a fake love note to her from Willard Hughes.


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