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Thursday, November 15, 2007

My UOI Reflection

Theme: How we express ourselves
Unit: I believe, you believe
Central Idea: The beliefs and cultures are conveyed through rituals, celebrations the arts and the way people live their lives.

Our Beliefs
Beatrix Potter
Haiku‘God's Love’
Religion Project
Field Trips

In Grade Five, we all have different beliefs. Some of us there were Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, and Buddhist. We all respected each other's religion. We also did some research on each other's religion. My group did Islam.

In this unit, we learned about different beliefs. We watched a movie about Beatrix Potter or "Miss Potter". We wrote down some facts about her beliefs. Her belief was that she believed that her drawings were real. After we took notes, we wrote a report about her. You can try to find my report on this blog. We were all amazed on how good she was in drawing.

In class we were learning how to make haikus. Our haiku's were about God's Love. We did other haikus besides that too. We all posted it on our blogs. You can find my haiku on my blog. Our teacher, Mrs. Jane put my haiku on the school website, as well as Andrew's.

For our religion project, we did a lot of research. We searched about the religion that we were learning about. When our research was done, we all had to make the history of the religion. That was very hard.

Next we did our expo. Our expo means our exhibition. It was tiring! We spent a lot of time on it. We had to do more research and print a lot of things out. This was the hardest part of all! We were all so worried if we didn't finish this expo. But when it happened, we were all relieved.

On our field trip, we went to the Masjid Istiqlal and the Cathedral in Jakarta. First we went to the Masjid Istiqlal. There we had a tour guide named "Ibu Ida". She was very nice. She explained to us about the Masjid and we all took notes in our UOI Books. Then we had lunch. We didn't have much time for that. Then we went to the Cathedral. it was right across the street from the Masjid. When we arrived at the Cathedral, we had to be very quiet because there were some people praying. A guide guided us through the Cathedral and explained about everything. Then we went upstairs and met another lady. She showed us the upper part of the Cathedral. That was the museum in the Cathedral. After we were done, we thanked the guiders and went back to school.