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Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Reflection about my Digital Portfolios

In grade five, we made three digital portfolios. The first one that we made was this blog. We started making blogs since August. At first, I thought that making a blog would be very hard, but it turned out quite easier than expected. In making a blog, I learned how to express ourselves on the Internet.

The second digital portfolio that we made was the google pages. We made the google pages with google page maker. The google pages was also easy to make. The thing that made the google pages hard was the navigation because it was not automatic. In making this google pages, I learned how to put a navigation.

The last digital portfolio that we made was in Iweb. This digital portfolio was for our parents to see. In this digital portfolio I was tired of always making reflections. The good thing out of that was that I knew how to write good reflections. The thing that I like about the Iweb is that the navigation is automatic.

Out of all of these digital portfolios, making the blog was the easiest because I didn't have to worry about the navigation. The second easiest to make was the Iweb because the navigation was automatic. The google pages was the hardest to make because the navigation was not automatic. Even though all of these digital portfolio has different values, I still like all of them.