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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Great Billy Cart Race Day

On Thursday the 6th of March 2008, we had a billy cart race. We had it in front of Hansen's house. We were all excited about the great billy cart race. The great billy cart race started from 10:00 in the morning until 12:30 in the afternoon.

The great billy cart race wasn't the only race that we had during the day. We also had a race called the most beautiful billy cart competition. That competition was about who had the most creative design. In that competition, other people voted on the most beautiful billy cart. This competition started before we left for Hansen's house.

When we got to Hansen's house, we got out a big score board so that we could see who was in the lead. Many people fell off which made it hard to watch someone get hurt. Shila fell off two times and she got scared to go the last time but her mother wanted her to go. So she did.

The last race we had was the adults race. That race was for our parents and other adults to race on our billy carts. It was also very exciting. We were all wondering who would be the winner for this race. The participants of this race was Ibu Sanny (Hansen's mother), Shila's father and Pak Andre ( our photographer).

At our next chapel, the winners of the race will get their medals. The great billy cart race winners were: Andrew who won first place, Shila who won second place, and Marchell who was third, and the last place. Shila's timing was 0.01 seconds then from Andrew. The winners of the most beautiful billy cart was Ristia in first place, Desiree in second race, and Shila in third place. In the adults race, the first place was Ibu Sanny, second place was Pak Andre, and third place was Shila's father. So, basically Shila's family got three medals!!!