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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Holiday

Do you know where I went for my holiday? Do you know where I stayed? Do you know what I did? Well, I will answer these questions for you in this story.

On my holiday, I went to Bali. Bali is small, but popular island in Indonesia. I stayed in a hotel called “Hard Rock Hotel Bali.” We stayed there for three nights.

In Hard Rock, I could not sleep very well. I could not sleep well because my sister’s leg was always on top of me, and she was too heavy to move. One night, I could not take it anymore, so I went to my mom’s bed. A few minutes later, my mom realized that I had a fever.

I swam every day, except the day that I got sick. The day I got sick was not very boring. It was not very boring because I learned how to cross-stitch. The first cross-stitch that I made had the words, “Sew Special” and at the bottom, it had a picture of a button.

In Bali, I also went to the water park. My favorite ride in the water park was called, “The Macaroni Tube.” I like it because we went through a tunnel and we got splashed at the front of the tunnel and at the end of the tunnel. This ride is even more fun when you go down backwards and close your eyes.

In Bali, I met some students from SPH Sentul. I met Alto, Randy, Kenny, Mike, Gea, and Dea. Randy is in my sister’s class. Alto, my sister and I went to the water park together.

Our flight back to Jakarta was at 7 pm. But it was rescheduled until 9 pm. No one had told us until we got to the airport. So we found a lounge and ate chicken nuggets from McDonalds. While waiting we read books. When it was time to board, we found seats for all of us to sit together on the plane “Air Asia.”

When we got home, we all were really tired. Even though we were tired, we all still had fun. It felt good to be back home. Now I can rest well without my sister’s leg on me at night. I really enjoyed Bali.


E3 Students said...

Hi my name is Bethany. Sorry I couldn't find a comment place for the hatching eggs so I'll leave one here.Guess what the hatching eggs are on the same day as a specail day for me.It would be great to hear from you!!!!!!!!!

From Bethany(Barney!)

E3 Students said...

Hey amanda thank you for writing abot my camp storey camp was wicked your holiday sounded sweet your blog is really awsome it would be great to be writing buddies or i should call it blog buddies viset our blog again and be sure to write to me again i am in yr 6 and am 10 yrs old i hope to write to you again


E3 Students said...

Hey my name is Alana I like your eggs. I think they're pretty cool.

Desiree said...

Hi Amanda. I th8ink you got a pretty good holiday there. But you must becareful. Because it was true if you swim every day you will be sick. By the way I like your eggs. Will they be a bird or something?

Jane Ross said...

You have written a great recount about your holiday Amanda. I like that you have used questions to engage the reader and encourage the reader to read your story. Remember that communication is also about pictures so next time include some OK. 9/10

Mandy's Blog! said...

It's Mandy, Amanda. I like what you have writen about your holiday. Although so, I think you should watch a few things, like your sister too heavy to move. I think you should have wrote something more like your sister's feet were to heavy to move. Other wise, people might get the wrong idea. Either than that, well done!

Michelle Pranoto said...

Hi Amanda. Your holiday is AWESOME I really hope I can go to Bali again. Have ever been to the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Bali. It is so nice.
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