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Friday, February 22, 2008

What I learned from the Ancient Greece Presentation

In the Ancient Greece Presentation, I learned how to write my name using the Greek alphabet. I learned that the Greek Alphabet can look like shapes or like our alphabet, but changed a little bit. It was hard to look at the alphabet because it was small.
The second thing that I learned was about the Greek gods. I learned that Zeus was the most powerful god. I also learned that Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. The Greek gods were very interesting to learn about.

The third thing that I learned was about the Greek sports. The girls' sport was juggling. They had to juggle as many balls as possible. Boys played hockey instead.

The third thing that I learned was about Greek numerals. I learned how to write how many numbers were in my name: AMANDA
1 2 3 4 5 6 =

The fourth thing that I learned was about Greek food. They ate bread, honey cakes and much more. They drank water like we did.

The last thing that I learned was about coins. The Greeks put a picture of a Pegasus the front of the coin. They put the Pegasus image on a hammer. When they smashed the metal with the hammer to form the coin, it left the Pegasus image on the coin. Soon they started using the Roman coins.


Suah said...

Hi Amanda you have so many information it's great!