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Friday, February 22, 2008

What I learned from the Ancient Egypt Presentation

In the presentation, I learned about haow to wrap a mummy in the process. Here are a few of the steps that I remembered:

  • put wine on the body
  • cut open the left side
  • remove the intestines, lungs, and liver
  • scoop out the brain from the nostrils
  • they put good smelling perfume
  • wash it in the river Nile
  • put oil
  • let it dry for forty days
  • put in the first coffin
  • then in the second coffin
  • put it in the tomb

The second thing I learned was what they use to tell the time. They used a water cup. The way it worked was they waited for the water in the cup to rise up. When the cup was full, it meant that one hour had passed.

The third thing I learned was about what they ate and drank. They normally drank from the nile river. They also would gather wheat that grew near the river Nile. They would make soup or bread with the wheat.

The fourth thing that I learned was about their clothing. Men normally wore cloth from their waist down to their knees. The women wore cloth all the way down to their ankles.

The last thing that I learned was about how to write my name in Hyroglyphics. I learned that the characters looked like little pictures.