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Monday, May 12, 2008

United Nations (UN) Speech

Today our country, Eden Land is asking that you vote us into the United Nations. We care for the world and we want to make it a better place. Eden Land also should be in the United Nations because we take care of the environment. We want people to have good food, clean water and nice clothes. Another important thing, we believe, is that proper shelter should be provided for everyone no matter if they are rich or poor.

It is very crucial that children get good education. Without education, the next generation won’t be able to get good jobs which will lead to increased poverty. Therefore, we will make a free school for the people who don’t have enough money for their children’s education. Poverty is a big problem causing people all over the world to not have anything to eat or drink. We need to get rid of poverty through education. Eden Land also wants to promote gender equality because everyone should be treated equally. Life should not be unfair to others.

Eden Land wants to help cure the sick. We need to make sure that pregnant women are safe. It is important that people stay healthy because if they get a really bad sickness, they could die. If everyone dies because of sicknesses, then there will be no one left in this world. To avoid bad sicknesses, Eden Land will make sure that cheap medicine is available to those who need it.

Eden Land wants to make global partnerships with other countries so there will be peace in this world. We hope that there will be no more wars between two or more countries. By having more global partnerships, the world will be a better and safer place for people to live in.